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Robust Intelligence, a startup funded by venture capital, has raised a $30M Series B to stress test AI models. This new funding will help the company create AI systems that are more robust and sophisticated.

Robust Intelligence’s technology is based on robustness, which measures an AI system’s ability to overcome adversity and produce useful results when subjected to various types of stress.

In this article, we’ll look at the benefits of using Robust Intelligence to stress test AI models and how it can help businesses achieve maximum efficiency and safety.

Robust Intelligence raises $30M Series B to stress test AI models

Robust Intelligence is a powerful stress testing tool for artificial intelligence (AI) models, providing detailed insights that allow businesses to understand and fix potential issues. In addition, this technology helps organizations to identify reliable AI algorithms that can generate trustworthy results in various challenging situations.

At its core, Robust Intelligence seeks “interesting” inputs, or inputs that are out-of-distribution and could trigger an AI system’s failure. It outputs a report of the relevant findings, including the severity of such failures and the data with the poorest performance. Robust Intelligence provides insights into an AI model’s robustness – its reliability under various levels of data uncertainty – and any potential vulnerabilities it may contain. This can help organizations improve their existing AI models or develop new ones.

Robust Intelligence offers numerous advantages for businesses using AI algorithms. It can detect potential issues with AI-driven systems so that organizations can take steps to reduce errors and prevent future problems from occurring. Additionally, it can measure progress over time and detect how generalizable an algorithm is in different environments – both essential for creating reliable and trustworthy AI solutions. Finally, it encourages developers to consider all possible scenarios when building their models, ensuring a higher quality product in the long run.

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Benefits of Robust Intelligence

Robust Intelligence, a company focussed on stress testing AI models, has raised $30M of Series B funding to provide AI developers with an advanced toolkit to analyze and improve the robustness of their models.

This article will examine the benefits of using Robust Intelligence to stress test AI models.

Improved AI model accuracy

Robust Intelligence has the potential to significantly boost accuracy and performance of AI models. AI models trained using Robust Intelligence are better able to determine new data patterns and recognize previously missed signals, resulting in improved accuracy and performance of the model. Additionally, robust intelligence can be used to stress test AI models which helps identify potential problems in the modeling process even before deployment. Stress testing leads to more reliable results and a higher-quality model in general.

Robust Intelligence also promotes a more secure approach to AI development. It allows for a thorough evaluation of datasets before use to detect any issues due to bias or other anomalies that could lead to inaccuracy or security risks. This robust evaluation helps ensure that the datasets used for training are free from errors and biases resulting in greatly minimized risk of inaccurate results or security breaches when deploying an AI system into production.

Improved AI model reliability

Robust intelligence, or RI, is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) model stress-testing that verifies reliability and accuracy. It simulates various conditions and scenarios that a model might encounter in the real world, such as input values, customer preferences, and environmental factors. The goal is to uncover any flaws or weaknesses in the model before it goes into production.

The use of RI can improve a variety of AI model performance metrics, including accuracy, speed and scalability. With RI testing, AI models can better adapt and incorporate new data points as they arise. For example, improved input sampling ensures no bias from previous training encounters and boosts accuracy levels in unseen samples. As an added benefit, RI also helps to reduce development costs since fewer manual tests will be needed before pushing a model into production.

Overall, using robust intelligence provides better AI model performance while reducing development costs on new models or updating existing ones. Increased reliability leads to higher customer satisfaction levels and reduced risk of costly regulation violations due to incorrect product output caused by inaccurately tested models.

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Improved AI model scalability

Robust Intelligence, or AI-SHAP (Scalable Human Artificial Performance), allows machine learning algorithms to be automatically optimized for improved success rates and scalability. In addition, production models can benefit from robust intelligence techniques, which can help create more reliable machine learning applications without costly data processing and tuning.

Robust Intelligence consists of several techniques including Reinforcement Learning (RL), Active Sample Selection (ASS) and Model Regularization (MR). These techniques are used to determine and modify model behavior to reduce risk associated with model parameter changes. By optimizing these parameters, AI models become more reliable and capable of responding accurately to real-world input.

In addition, these techniques also enable better AI model scalability, allowing models to process large amounts of data with minimal loss in accuracy or performance. Model scalability allows decisions taken by AI applications to be more scalable over time as well as helping maintain consistency across different domains where different datasets may exist. Moreover, Model Regularization helps make the data used for training AI models a lot smaller and easier for the application in question to learn from so it can quickly respond to new situations on its own.

Robust Intelligence’s Series B Funding

Robust Intelligence has recently raised $30M Series B to continue to develop their AI model testing technology. They do this by using robust intelligence, a combination of techniques to test AI models.

This article will discuss the benefits of utilizing robust intelligence to stress test AI models.

Overview of Series B funding

Robust Intelligence recently closed a Series B investment round, raising $20 million to fuel the growth of its stress-testing AI platform for autonomous systems. The substantial injection of capital will enable the platform to expand its development team and customer base and drive growth into new markets.

The Series B funding came from existing investors such as WP Global Partners and Data Point Capital, as well as new investors including Sino Capital Group Family Office and WI Harper Group. In addition, new investors included GGV Capital, Sony Innovation Fund, JAZZ Venture Partners, Momentum Partners and nVentures.

The investments will help continue to push Robust Intelligence to become the leading provider of automated testing solutions for autonomous systems in multiple industries. This platform allows organizations with minimal resources to manage all aspects of AI model training and operation with the highest accuracy possible. This will facilitate cost savings and data governance compliance by reducing risk in production environments.

Robust Intelligence’s technology has successfully solved some of the most difficult problems related to AI model validation for Fortune 500 companies across industries such as automotive manufacturers, aerospace & defense contractors, power grid operators and telecom providers. With the additional funding from this round Robust Intelligence plans to expand its reach into European markets shortly.

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Use of Series B funding

Robust Intelligence recently announced a successful Series B funding round led by Tencent, including participation from 8VC, AI Industry Capital, UniTek, and Lenovo. The capital will be used to further develop and expand the company’s AI stress-testing technology platform.

The company views the funding as an opportunity to strengthen its customer base and propel their business goals forward. Robust Intelligence plans to use the funds to build its product infrastructure, hire globally, support customer adoption, innovate their existing products, increase marketing efforts targeted at industry leaders, and collaborate with strategic partners.

Robust Intelligent’s AI stress test platform can detect potential errors in pre-deployed AI models before they enter production. It uses proprietary algorithms that systematically stress test hundreds of millions of inputs against every single version of an AI model throughout its lifecycle to ensure accuracies match or exceed expectations. This process leads to fewer potential errors in production models deployed at scale—cutting back on time spent debugging these issues afterwards.

The platform also supports deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, MXNet and Scikit-Learn—enabling organizations to cost effectively build safer AI products faster from inception through deployment and beyond.


Robust Intelligence has made a significant mark within the Artificial Intelligence space, raising a $30M Series B to help stress test AI models. This technology can increase the predictability and accuracy of AI models, allowing for more reliable decision-making for businesses.

In this article, we explored the benefits of Robust Intelligence in more detail and concluded that it is a valuable tool for businesses to consider when testing their AI models.

Summary of the Benefits of Robust Intelligence

Robust Intelligence (RI) is an AI methodology that provides dynamic feedback and improvement to artificial intelligence models. RI’s primary benefit is using experimental evidence rather than guesswork when developing and validating AI. Here are some of the key benefits of using Robust Intelligence to stress test AI models:

1. Streamlined development process – By testing your model with a wide range of data sets and scenarios, you can better identify issues in the data or shortcomings in the model itself so that corrections can be made quickly for improved performance.

2. Improved accuracy – By testing across different conditions, you can account for unexpected events and increase models’ accuracy by ensuring consistency and flexibility when applied in different environments or settings.

3.Higher scalability – Robust models are more reliable than static ones as they improve generate higher SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) metrics over time as more data is used for training. More datasets become available through experimentation over future cycles. This allows them to scale quicker, reducing deployment times and allowing businesses to keep up with demand more effectively with less engineering overhead.

4.Better security– RI can identify subtle shifts in datasets that may indicate malicious actors attempting to slip targeted AI attacks into malicious datasets intended to fool your model into accepting false inputs which could have serious legal or financial repercussions if left unchecked in a production environment.

The benefits of using robust intelligence are clear, but it must be emphasized that these advantages do not come without cost; building robot intelligent systems will require significant extra effort compared systems built on static learning algorithms, as developers need to ensure their plans take advantage of RI’s special capabilities while avoiding its pitfalls. In addition, scaling with Robust Intelligence requires spotting new patterns from all available data points which may easily increase computation costs significantly over time depending on the size of your project; however, the long term benefits it affords more than make up for this added upfront cost considering how much easier it will make AI engineering in the future.

tags = Robust Intelligence, $30M Series, stress test AI models, Tiger Global, Yaron Singer,, robust intelligence series tiger global 44mlardinoistechcrunch, eliminate AI mistakes