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The flow of energy in an everglades food web is a complex and interesting phenomenon. The flow of energy begins with the primary producers, such as algae, which convert sunlight into energy. This energy then moves up the food chain as it passes through consumers, such as fish, birds and mammals. This energy flow is then completed as the decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi, break down the organic matter into inorganic nutrients that can be used again by the producers.

In this article, we will dive into the energy flow of the everglades food web shown below and discuss the benefits it provides.

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Definition of food web

A food web is a graphical representation of the relationships between different species in an ecological system. It shows what organisms feed on, and how energy flows through a system. In a food web, arrows indicate the direction in which energy flows from one species to another.

In the Everglades ecosystem, the food web is made up of producers (plants and algae that provide energy to other organisms); consumers (organisms that consume plants and animals); decomposers such as fungi, bacteria and viruses break down dead organic matter; and apex predators (big predators at the top of the food chain).

Producers form the base of this food chain by providing energy to consumers through photosynthesis. Producers convert sunlight into chemical energy in order to produce sugars, starches and proteins. Consumers feed on these proteins, sugars and starches produced by producers to gain energy. Consumers are divided into different groups according to their diet type – primary consumer, secondary consumer or tertiary consumer.

  • Primary consumers in this ecosystem include small fish that feed directly on aquatic plants;
  • Secondary consumers like large fish eat these smaller fish;
  • Tertiary consumers include birds of prey which feed on both large fish and animals such as snakes or rats that eat smaller fish or insects.
  • Finally, apex predators such as alligators take over when little else remains in terms of resources for other levels within the food web.

Overview of Everglades Food Web

The Everglades food web is a complex and interconnected web of organisms and their relationships to one another. Each organism at each trophic level interacts with the other organisms and transfers energy from one organism to the next. The flow of energy in the Everglades food web is illustrated by the following diagram which can help understand the relationship between the different organisms in the ecosystem.

Primary Producers

The Everglades food web begins with the primary producers. Primary producers, such as aquatic plants, are subsistence-level organisms that, through the process of photosynthesis, convert energy from the sun into usable forms of energy, such as sugars and cellulose. Without these primary producers, there would be no food chain in the Everglades. Aquatic plants in the Everglades include sawgrass and spatterdock lilies, both of which are also known as pond weeds. Other living things in the Everglades include plankton that do not photosynthesize but instead extract glucose from water by osmosis.

Secondary consumers in the Everglades come from many different species and feed on primary producers or bottom-feeding invertebrates. Examples of secondary consumers include frogs and soft-shelled turtles that eat aquatic plants or deadly snakes which hunt for small rodents near waterways. Smaller fish also consume plant material and invertebrates such as crabs, crayfish and shrimp. Large predators such as black caiman crocodiles feed mostly on fish but may also eat smaller animals like possums or raccoons if they happen to be nearby when hungry.

Tertiary consumers are usually large predators such as bald eagles or alligators that hunt only once a day if they’re lucky enough to find prey at just the right moment. These large animals feed on any animal small enough to fit into their mouths and obtain necessary nutrients directly from their prey in order to survive their long fasting periods between meals known as remitting feeding (RF). They have adapted over time so that they can sometimes remain motionless for many hours while waiting for potential prey to pass by then quickly strike it with lethal accuracy if an opportunity presents itself; this process is called ambush predation (AP).

Primary Consumers

Primary Consumers are the organisms that feed directly on the producers, either by grazing or consuming foliage. Primary consumers in the Everglades food web refer to herbivores, such as mullet, snook and gars. They develop from eggs laid and hatched in the marine environments of South Florida, then enter brackish water creeks for foraging. Alligators and wading birds such as spoonbills and egrets are also sectioned under primary consumers, where they feed off crawfish or amphibians like frogs.

Secondary Consumers consume primary producers; they are carnivores which obtain their energy by preying on other animals. Examples of secondary consumers include snook, pelicans and many species of fishes that consume both primary consumers such as crawfish and smaller prey items available to them in wetlands of Everglades National Park. Most secondary predators have multiple life stages during which they can change their diets; some may be piscivorous (fish-eating) throughout their entire lives while others shift between insect(arthropod) feeding stages as juveniles; once reaching adulthood become generalist predators feeding on small vertebrates (amphibians).

Tertiary Consumers refer to predators who prey upon primary and secondary consumers; examples of these top predators include large pike, largemouth basses and crocodiles which feed not only on secondary consumer fishes but sometimes capture rare individuals from populations of larger lizards or turtles. Amenities provided for humans also play an important role within this trophic level because these tertiary species often interact directly with human activities such as angling.

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Secondary Consumers

Secondary consumers rely on producers and primary consumers for their dietary needs. They obtain energy by consuming primary consumers, which consume the producers, allowing the energy to transfer to higher trophic levels in the food web. In the Everglades food web, there are three common secondary consumer species that help transfer energy efficiently up the food chain.

The alligator is an apex predator in the Everglades, meaning it has no natural predators and is at the top of its respective food chain. Alligators primarily feed on fish, reptiles, amphibians and large water birds such as ducks and herons.

The American crocodile is another secondary consumer that chiefly feeds on fish and small animals such as mice and rats.

Finally, great blue herons delicately capture their prey – mostly invertebrates – using their long beaks as spears and rely heavily on primary consumers for sustenance.

Flow of Energy

The Everglades food web is a complex interconnected system involving both flora and fauna. Understanding the flow of energy in this food web is essential for understanding the various components and ecology of the Everglades ecosystem.

This section will provide an overview of the flow of energy in the Everglades food web shown below:

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Energy from the Sun

The flow of energy in the Everglades food web begins with the sun. This energy powers photosynthesis, which provides energy for plants and fuel for the beginning of the food web. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air, utilize water and light energy from the sun to make their own food, and release oxygen into the atmosphere. As primary producers in a food web, photosynthesizing plants are able to capture solar energy and transfer it into chemical form. This chemical energy can then be used by all organisms higher in the food chain as they consume plants as part of their diet.

Energy also flows to animals through consumption of proteins, carbohydrates and fats found in other organisms or plant material. Nutrients contained within these compounds have previously been stored by organisms via process such as respiration and photosynthesis. As a result organisms that feed on other organisms are able to tap into chemical energy that once flowed from the sun allowing them to perpetuate their own life processes and attain enough energy for maintaining homeostasis.

By tallying up these complex interactions between different species at each trophic level we can gain a greater understanding of how energy is passed around within a food web and ultimately how it impacts species populations across an entire ecosystem such as The Everglades National Park.

Energy from Producers to Consumers

Energy is essential for all life forms and is the foundation of the Everglades food web. In the Everglades, this energy originates from photosynthesis conducted by producers like grasses, mushrooms and aquatic plants. These organisms take in the sun’s energy and use it to create their own food; this process is known as primary production.

The energy then passes from producers to consumers when other organisms either eat them or decompose them. Producers are unbeatable sources of energy since they are always converting light energy into organic molecules that can be used by other species as fuel.

The flow of energy then moves through consumers like:

  • Herbivores (species that eat producers)
  • Carnivores (who feed on other animals)
  • Omnivores (who feed on both).

At each level, some of the available energy is retained in an organism’s body tissues or expelled as waste or heat while some portion continues on to higher trophic levels. This will continue until it reaches tertiary consumers which are top predators like hawks, ospreys and alligators which typically have less than 10% of the available energy passing through their bodies unutilized. Energy lost at subsequent trophic levels results in a decrease of biomass moving up through the food web and shows how food webs are a very efficient way of transferring sunlight into usable forms for higher levels of consumption.

Energy from Consumers to Decomposers

The flow of energy from consumers to decomposers is an essential part of the Everglades food web. Consumers are organisms that rely on organic matter for food and obtain energy through it. Decomposers, such as fungi, bacteria, and other microorganisms, feed on dead plants or animals. This process releases nitrogen-rich compounds into the soil that sustains life in the Everglades food web.

The connection between consumers and decomposers begins when top predators such as alligators, birds, and large mammals consume small prey organisms like fish and aquatic crustaceans. These foods contain energy in their chemical structure which is then released through metabolic processes in the consumer’s body.

Once dead or expelled by the consumer, the decaying organisms provide nourishment to microorganisms like bacteria and fungi in the ecosystem – thus completing the cycle of energy transfer from consumer to decomposer. The nutrients present in these materials are especially critical since they are rapidly lost during photo-degradation or aerobic breakdown, which occur when living material is exposed to air or sunlight for extended periods of time (literally breaking down components).

Decomposers produce various forms of stable organic humus material during this process which provides an ideal environment for other terrestrial plants and animals to thrive within their habitats. As a result, essential nutrients contained within these materials continue up through trophic levels due to bio-accumulation – meaning that with each step up from primary producers (algae) through consumers (alligators) nutrient concentrations increase until they eventually reach top predators who accumulate large enough biomass amounts that then return back down via decomposition once again continuing the cycle of energy transfer throughout this crucial food web system!


The Everglades food web is a complex web of relationships between plants, animals and other organisms, illustrating how energy flows through the Everglades ecosystem. The following diagram illustrates the flow of energy within the food web, with arrows indicating the direction of energy flow. It shows how energy flows through the Everglades food web, with primary producers, such as plants, at the bottom of the food chain, and predators, like alligators, at the top.

This article will provide an overview of the flow of energy within the Everglades food web, as well as provide an explanation of the importance of the food web:

  • Primary producers, such as plants, are at the bottom of the food chain.
  • Predators, like alligators, are at the top.
  • Energy flows through the food web in the direction of the arrows.
  • The food web is important for the balance of the Everglades ecosystem.

Which of the following best describes the flow of energy in the Everglades food web shown below?

The Everglades is a unique collection of ecosystems found in south Florida. It is renowned for its complex network of food webs. The relationship between organisms in each layer of the food web helps to generate and sustain the incredible biodiversity of this fascinating system.

All energy used by living organisms originates from the sun. In the Everglades, the sun’s energy is used by autotrophs, such as plants and algae, that produce organic compounds from carbon dioxide, water and sunlight. These compounds are then consumed by primary consumers, such as deer and small mammals that graze on vegetation. The organic compounds produced by autotrophs are further utilized by secondary consumers such as raccoons and gators as they prey on these primary consumers for their food sources. Energy produced from these secondary consumers is then cycled to tertiary consumers including predatory birds, snakes and large mammals like black bears that feed on these smaller predators. This trophic pyramid illustrates how energy flows through food webs in the Everglades system and across other ecosystems around the world.

The energy that originates at the base of this pyramid is eventually dissipated into heat through respiration and excretion processes in all animal species – thus completing a full cycle where energy is continually recycled within this ecosystem. Properly managing resources, maintaining natural habitats and conserving species native to the Everglades can help to ensure a healthy flow of energy throughout all stages of its complex food web system to increase biodiversity and support abundant wildlife populations in south Florida regions for years to come.