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A common reason why money trees develop brown leaves is due to overwatering. These plants can often be finicky: they will not survive if they are left in standing water, but too little water can also cause the leaves to turn brown. Generally speaking, money trees are most happy when the soil is moist but not saturated. If the top few inches of soil feels dry, it’s time to give your money tree a drink.

It’s important to remember that overwatering does more than just lead to brown leaves – this problem can also severely damage your root system and cause root rot if left unchecked for too long. If you think you have been overwatering your plant, look for other indicators such as wilted leaves or soggy soil before taking action. If necessary, cut back on the amount of water you give your money tree and allow the soil time to dry out before watering again.

Money tree tips of leaves are brown

Underwatering is one of the most common causes of brown leaves on a Money Tree. If the soil is too dry, the leaves will begin to crisp and turn a brown tone due to excessive dryness. Underwatering can occur if the soil dries out all of the way, but most commonly it occurs due to incorrect watering levels. The Money Tree prefers its soil to remain in a state where it is evenly damp but not sodden with water as this can promote root rot. If your Money Tree’s soil feels wet at all times, then you may need to address issues with poor drainage or too much water being delivered each time you water the plant rather than an issue with constantly underwatering it.

In order to correct an issue caused by underwatering, make sure the tree is only given water when the top inch or two of soil feels dry and be wary not to overcompensate on future waterings – give enough so that its deeper root system gets challenged but don’t drown it!

Nutrient Deficiency

If the tips of the leaves on your money tree (Pachira aquatica) are turning brown, it can be an indication of a nutrient deficiency. Nutrient deficiency can be triggered by several factors, such as soilings that are too acidic or alkaline, prolonged drought conditions, excessive fertilization, or growth in poor soil quality. Inadequate drainage could also be a factor since this species prefers consistently moist soil but not saturated conditions.

Nitrogen is the primary nutrient responsible for leaf color in plants and is especially important to consider where green foliage is concerned. When applied too heavily or watered into the soil slowly over time; nitrogen can accumulate and lead to excessive plant growth and eventual yellowing or browning of foliage. It is best to introduce nitrogen in small doses which will reduce the risk of burn on any newly transplanted money trees.

Choose wisely when selecting a fertilizer for your tree — organic sources usually provide more balanced essential micronutrients than non-organic sources do — and adjust fertilizer application rates if brown leaves persist after use. Foliar feeding – applying water soluble fertilizer directly onto leaves instead of applying it as a supplement to potting mix – has been proven to be an effective method for correcting minor nutrient deficiencies with certain plants like money trees, so long as fertilizers are used judiciously and according to product directions.

Pest Infestation

One of the most common causes of brown leaves is the presence of pests on your money tree. Pests like spider mites, scale, and mealybugs can all cause serious damage if left unchecked. These pests can cause the leaves to quickly drop off or just slowly die from nutrient deficiency.

To check if you have a pest infestation, take a closer look at your leaves for any tiny bugs crawling around and for signs that your leaves have been eaten through. If caught in time, a simple insecticidal solution can get rid of these unwanted visitors before they have an opportunity to do too much damage.

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Diagnosing the Problem

If you have a Money Tree and the tips of the leaves have started to turn brown, then it is a sign that there is an underlying problem. This could be an indication of too much or too little watering, or it could be an indication of temperature or humidity problems in your home. It is important to diagnose the underlying cause of the browning so that you can take the necessary steps to restore the health of your Money Tree.

Check the soil moisture

Money trees require weekly watering when their soil is dry, or at least six inches below the surface. To test for moisture, use the fingertip test – with your finger pushed into the soil only about 1 inch deep. If the soil feels wet, skip watering and wait a few days before checking again.

If the soil is dry, it’s time to water your money tree until enough water flows out of its drainage holes to completely soak its potting mix. Allow excess water to drain away before you place it back on its saucer, then empty that saucer afterwards so bacteria doesn’t form there.

However if you consistently find that even with proper and timely watering the tips of your money tree’s leaves are turning brown, it could be a sign of excessive fertilization or a nutrient deficiency in its soil. Examine your Money tree for any visible yellowing or browning around the edges of its leaves as well as evidence of root rot such as rotting roots or foul smelling soil odors (which can be caused by too much water).

Finally take steps to correct any nutrient deficiencies with balanced fertilizer and break up any compacted potting mix with a light hand-watering or air-brushing regularly to allow air and moisture to reach deeper below the surface levels.

Check for signs of pests

When diagnosing the cause of brown leaves on your money tree, it is important to look for signs of pests. Common houseplant pests such as mealybugs, spider mites, aphids and scale can all cause browning of leaves on vulnerable plants. Examine the underside of the leaves for tiny insects, webs or clusters of white dots (these are usually mealybugs). If you spot any pests take action to eliminate them using insecticide soap or neem oil.

Make sure to follow up with regular inspections to ensure the pests have been successfully eradicated.

Inspect the root system in case root rot has set in due to over-watering or other issues with soil drainage or ventilation. If so, try re-potting with fresh potting soil and increase drainage and ventilation by adding some perlite and/or lava rock in combination with peat moss. A well-draining pot is essential and if possible allow excess water to evaporate away from the base of your money tree before each watering.

Test the soil for nutrient levels

Before diagnosing why money tree’s leaves are turning brown, it is important to test the soil for nutrient levels. While all plants need the right balance of nutrients in order to thrive, money trees prefer a very specific combination in order to stay healthy. Testing the soil pH and nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus levels can help determine if your plant is suffering from a nutrient deficiency. These tests can be purchased at most garden centers, or you may hire a professional soil testing laboratory if needed.

If the tests indicate that your plant is deficient in any of these nutrients, there are several possible sources of supplementation available:

  • Amending the soil or using a fertilizer specifically formulated for dracaena plants can help provide essential elements and boost overall health.
  • Deep watering will also help ensure that any nutrients added reach the roots of your money tree and have a chance to take effect.
  • Lastly, pruning off affected leaves can facilitate faster recovery as well as improve air circulation throughout the plant’s canopy.


If you notice the tips of leaves on your money tree turning brown, this could be due to several different factors. The most common cause of brown tips on money tree leaves is either a lack of water or exposure to fluoride in the water. Let’s dive into some possible solutions to help you bring your money tree back to life.

  • Check the soil of your money tree for moisture. If the soil is dry, it’s time to water your money tree.
  • If you suspect that fluoride in the water is the cause of brown tips on your money tree leaves, try using bottled or distilled water instead.
  • Make sure your money tree is getting enough light. Too little light can cause brown tips on the leaves.
  • If you’re seeing brown tips on the leaves of your money tree, it could be a sign of too much fertilizer. Try using a fertilizer with a lower nitrogen content.

Adjust the watering schedule

Adjusting your watering schedule is one of the best solutions for a Money Tree whose leaves are turning brown. While most houseplants require a regular watering schedule, Money Trees are more sensitive and must be watered differently to maintain a healthy level of soil moisture. The frequency with which you water will depend on the season and the size of your pot; some larger pots may need only weekly deep waterings, while smaller pots may require more frequent waterings.

When watering your Money Tree, it’s important to check the soil first to ensure that it is slightly dry before you add any more moisture. If too much water builds up in the pot, it can cause root rot and damage your plant. Experiment to find a schedule that works for your Money Tree by monitoring how quickly its soil dries out—if you can see roots poking out through the drainage holes in the bottom of its pot, you are likely overwatering and need to adjust accordingly.

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Use fertilizer to supplement nutrients

Fertilizing your money tree every couple of weeks is an important part of keeping it healthy. Choose a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer and use according to the directions on the package. Over-fertilization can cause browning tips of leaves. Consider ratcheting down on regular fertilizing if you’ve switched to a more potent fertilizer blend or are fertilizing frequently with weak solutions. Nutrient deficiencies can also cause leaf browning, so additives like chelated iron and magnesium may be necessary if soil tests show such deficiencies in your soil.

As with any type of fertilizer, always read the labels and use responsibly according to the manufacturers’ direction.

Remove affected leaves and treat pests

The tips of the leaves on your money tree turning brown can indicate many things such as too much sunlight, heat stress, or even various pests like spider mites or mealybugs.

The first step in treating any of these issues is to remove any affected leaves as soon as you notice them.

Once the affected leaves have been removed, inspect your tree for pests. Spider mites are a common pest and they thrive in dry indoor environments, particularly those without much airflow. Mealybugs can also be a nuisance, causing yellow spots or tiny white cotton-like balls to form on the leaves and stems of your money tree. If these pests are present, use an insecticidal soap solution or horticultural oil to get rid of them quickly and effectively. Make sure to completely soak the plants with the solution and carefully monitor for re-infestation for weeks after applying treatment.


If your money tree’s leaves are turning brown, then you may be wondering what the cause is and how to prevent it in the future. It’s important to take the time to understand why this is happening and how to prevent it from happening again.

By following the tips below, you can keep your money tree healthy and thriving:

Plant in well-draining soil

It is important for money trees to have well-draining soil in order to prevent any issues with over-watering. Poor drainage can lead to root rot and other problems that can cause leaves to turn brown.

To ensure proper drainage, add an extra inch of potting soil or sand to the bottom of the planter before adding the rest of the soil. The soil should be moist but not soggy, as this could also be a sign of too much water.

Checking the top two inches of soil in your money tree’s planter is a good way to tell if it needs additional watering, as it should be slightly dry before adding more water.

Avoid overwatering

The money tree is a tropical plant that thrives in humid conditions while needing protection from direct sunlight and strong winds. If caring for the money tree indoors, pay attention to the light requirements.

Money trees do not require excessive amounts of water, however overwatering can be detrimental to the health of your plant. Adding too much water will cause root rot as it does not have any substantial drainage like outdoor soil does. A great way to avoid root rot is by layering at least two inches of pebbles or coarse rocks on the base when replanting which helps ensure proper drainage.

When watering your money tree, you should check the top couple of inches of soil to determine when it needs hydration. The topsoil should be dry or a little damp before watering again. Brown spots on leaves or wilting could indicate that roots are under watered, so monitor this accordingly and re-water if needed.

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Monitor the environment for pests

When noticing that your money tree’s leaves are turning brown, it is important to monitor the environment for pests. Common pests that can afflict money trees include spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects. Pest infestations can reduce plant vigor and health, since they suck out the vital sap from the leaves and stems of the plant. Spider mites, for example, can cause yellowing or browning of leaves as a result of sap loss.

Regularly inspecting both the top side and underside of your money tree’s leaves will help you identify any presence of pests before it gets too serious. For any pest infestation spotted on your plants, purchase some insecticides or natural treatments to help with treatment right away.